.. _OASYS_seminar_series: OASYS Seminar Series ==================== As a vital forum for brainstorming, collaboration and sharing results, the *OASYS Seminar Series* was born. A monthly seminar/research platform where, not only members of OASYS working on the *FlexAnalytics* project, but also international researchers in the field, present their ideas, and get a fresh take on the ongoing work of *FlexAnalytics*. A number of new working relationships across Europe have been forged, and even new members of the team found, thanks to this initiative. In September 2022 this culminated in a hugely successful symposium, with a number of experts, from distinct research groups and universities around Europe, invited to speak and share their knowledge. For more details on this symposium `visit our group's website. `_ #. | FlexAnalytics Symposium on Advanced Techniques for Power System Operations 21st--22nd of September, 2023. Ada Byron Research Centre-University of Málaga, Málaga. `programme `_ #. | Hossein Nematzadeh (Postdoctoral researcher in the `KHAOS `_ research group, University of Málaga & Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University) `Automatic frequency-based feature selection using discrete weighted evolution strategy`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 20th of January, 2023. `article `_ #. | Alfredo Marín (University of Murcia) `Soft-margin Support Vector Machine: Ordered weighted average and some criticism`, Ada Byron Research Centre 3rd of October, 2022. #. | FlexAnalytics Symposium on Data-driven Decision Making via Mathematical Optimization and Statistics 26th – 29th of September 2022. Ada Byron Research Centre-University of Málaga, Málaga. `programme `_ #. | Akylas Stratigakos (Center PERSEE, Mines Paris, PSL University) `Towards the prescriptive analytics paradigm for energy forecasting and optimization in power systems.`, Ada Byron Research Centre 21st of September, 2022. `presentation `_ #. | Yadira Hernández Solano (Dpt. Applied Mathematics - UMA) `Métodos de integración geométrica para sistemas con función de Lyapunov`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 23rd of June, 2022. `presentation `_ #. | Pauline Kergus (CNRS researcher at LAPLACE (Laboratory on plasma and conversion of energy, Toulouse, France)) `Data-driven strategies for modeling and control: Application to building thermal modeling`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 18th of May, 2022. `presentation `_ #. | Alejandro Fernández Gil (University of Twente Enschede, Netherlands) `The composition of mathematical alogrithms for green vehicles routing considering emissions`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 5th of May, 2022. #. | Ricardo Gazquez Torres (University of Granada) `Continuous maximal covering location problems and related problems`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 7th of April, 2022. `presentation `_ #. | **Concepción Domínguez Sánchez** "Finding valid inequalities in MILPs: techniques and examples`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 24th of February, 2022. `presenation `_ #. | **Adrián Esteban Pérez** `Distributionally Robust Optimization under consensual ambiguity`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 26th of January, 2022. `presentation `_ #. | **Miguel Ángel Muñoz Díaz** `Online wind energy bidding`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 15th December 2021. `presentation `_ #. | **José Gómez de la Varga** `State estimation`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 24th of November 2021. `presentation `_ #. | **Antonio Elías Fernández** - **Asunción Jiménez-Cordero** `Machine learning-aided optimization applied to mixed integer linear programming`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 20th October 2021. `presentation `_ #. | Concepción Domínguez Sánchez (Université Libre de Bruxelles, and the S. and Operations Research Department of the University of Murcia), `The Rank Pricing Problem: a mixed-integer linear optimization approach`, Ada Byron Research Centre, 16th July, 2021. `presentation `_