Collaboration with Other Groups

The project Flexanalytics has also produced the following research results in collaboration with other international research groups:

  1. A. Stratigakos, S. Pineda, J.M. Morales and G. Kariniotakis (2023). Interpretable Machine Learning for DC Optimal Power Flow with Feasibility Guarantees, IEEE Power Transactions on Power Systems, 1-12, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3333165.
  2. M.Á. Muñoz, J. Kazempour and P. Pinson (2023). Online Decision Making for Trading Wind Energy, Computational Management Science, 20(1)33.
  3. S. Pineda, J.M. Morales and Sonja Wogrin (2023). Mathematical programming for power systems, Book Chapter Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering, ISBN: 978-0-12-823211-8: 722–733.
  4. J.M. Morales and S.Pineda (2022). co-editors for special edition Essays on Operations Research in Energy, TOP, 30(3): 427–429.
  5. V. Bucarey, M. Labbé J.M. Morales and S. Pineda (2021). An Exact Dynamic Programming Approach to Segmented Isotonic Regression, Omega, 105: 102516.
  6. J.M. Morales, S. Pineda and Y. Dvorkin (2022). Learning the Price Response of Active Distribution Networks for TSO-DSO Coordination, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37(4):2858–2868.
  7. M. Gržanić, J. M. Morales, S. Pineda and T. Capuder (2021). Electricity Cost-sharing in Energy Communities Under Dynamic Pricing and Uncertainty, IEEE Access, 9: 30225–30241.
  8. D. Guericke, I. Blanco, J.M. Morales and H. Madsen (2020). A Two-phase Stochastic Programming Approach to Biomass Supply Planning for Combined Heat and Power Plants, OR Spectrum, 42(4): 863–900.
  9. G. De Zotti, S.A. Pourmousavi, J.M. Morales, H. Madsen and N.K. Poulsen (2020). A Control-based Method to Meet TSO and DSO Ancillary Services Needs by Flexible End-users, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35(3): 1868–1880.
  10. N. Mazzi, A. Trivella, and J.M. Morales (2019). Enabling Active/Passive Electricity Trading in Dual-Price Balancing Markets, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(3): 1980–1990.
  11. G. De Zotti, S.A. Pourmousavi, J.M. Morales, H. Madsen, and N.K. Poulsen (2019). Consumers’ Flexibility Estimation at the TSO Level for Balancing Services, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(3): 1918–1930.
  12. V. Dvorkin, S. Delikaraoglou and J.M. Morales (2019). Setting Reserve Requirements to Approximate the Efficiency of the Stochastic Dispatch, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(2): 1524–1536.
  13. C. Ordoudis, P. Pinson, and J.M. Morales (2019). An Integrated Market for Electricity and Natural Gas Systems with Stochastic Power Producers, European Journal of Operational Research, 272(2): 642–654.